Cloud Telephony

Revolutionize your communication with
Cloud Telephony

Cloud PBX (Cloud Based Private Branch Exchange) is an Internet-based virtual PBX that answers and sends all calls to the correct office or extension. Traditionally, PBX systems are in-house. These machines are large and require their own storage space. They also require significant investment that small businesses cannot reach. The cloud changes all that. Cloud PBXs are hosted in secure data centers and distributed over the Internet. It provides the same calling and management features as a home PBX without the need for expensive hardware. Cloud PBX solutions are also available as a service with flexible plans; so small businesses can subscribe to it instead of investing heavily in expensive in-house equipment.


Empowering Communication Excellence - Unleashing the Power of Cloud Telephony!

At Callmasters, we provide comprehensive cloud telephony services to revolutionize your business communicatio

Cloud Telephony Consultation

We start by understanding your unique communication needs and business requirements. Our experts will assess your current setup and recommend the most suitable cloud telephony solution for your organization.

Virtual Phone Numbers

We offer a wide range of virtual phone numbers with local, international, or toll-free codes. These numbers can be instantly provisioned, allowing you to establish a local presence and cater to a global customer base.

Setup and Configuration

We handle the entire setup and configuration process, ensuring a smooth transition to the cloud telephony system. Our team will configure phone lines, virtual numbers, call routing, IVR menus, and other necessary settings to align with your business structure and objectives.

Call Management Features

Our cloud telephony services encompass a range of call management features, including call routing, call forwarding, voicemail, call recording, call queuing, and more. We customize these features to suit your specific business needs and enhance call handling efficiency.

Integration with Business Systems

We seamlessly integrate your cloud telephony system with other business applications, such as CRM software, helpdesk solutions, and collaboration tools. This integration enhances productivity, streamlines workflows, and ensures a unified communication experience.

Scalability and Flexibility

Our cloud telephony solutions are highly scalable, allowing you to add or remove phone lines, virtual numbers, and extensions as your business grows or evolves. You can easily accommodate changes in call volume and adapt the system to meet your changing needs.

WHy Choose US?

Choose Us for Unparalleled Excellence

Designed for business

Initially, Callmasters will provide you with unlimited VoIP calls and conferences, toll-free numbers and caller ID. If you need to add more features later, you can add them without changing the system.

Improved Mobility

Make calls, text and fax from any mobile phone using your business number. Phone calls use the same calling method you set for your office.

Built-in security and reliability

Messages pass through an encrypted network and layer by layer to secure the entire transmission process.

Dedicated Support

Helpful customer support means Callmaster is there for you 24 hours a day from day one. We provide not only support, but also advice and advice.

Highly Cost Effective

Pay the right price for the most advanced communication on the market today - one affordable, all-inclusive, monthly fee. Prices are low because renovations are none of your business.

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